Ready to Go Shopping
We decided that it was FINALLY time to say goodbye to Bella's binkys for good. She would only get them at night, but still she is three and it was time for the big goodbye. We decided that Family Night would be the perfect opportunity to say audios to her old friend. We thought we would "send them to the moon" with balloons, but we did not get enough balloons and the binkys weighed them down. So, we went to plan b. We told Bella that she could get a brand new toy of her choice, if she would pay for it with "binky money."We gathered up her "dees," as she refers to them, she grabbed her purse, and we headed to Target. She very quickly found a puppy that barks and whines. It also had veternarian supplies with it. Very cool.
We took the toy upfront and the kind cashier played along and took Bella's 5 "dees" in exchange for her new toy. It worked well. She loves her new toy.
We just took Whitney's passies away from her. It's not been fun or easy but it certainly was time. Good luck. Bella looks really happy about her new toy. I love that she used her passie money. That is so cute and creative!
you are so brilliant with the binky money idea! i hope its working!
What a cute idea! I hope for your sake she does better at going to bed at a decent time tonight.
That is a very cute way to say goodbye to the binkies. way to go Bella! You are such a big girl
Great Job Bella! We are so proud of you being a no binki big girl. We love you!
Courtney- what a good idea!!! How did you come up with that?? How is she doing now at night?
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