Tuesday, June 9, 2009

15 Months and counting

Since this is only my second post on what is the johnandcourtney blog (should be Courtney and her kids blog, which I don't mind, really), I feel like I have to explain myself a little. I'm going to try my best not to make this anything more than what I'm trying to make it, a point of no return, commitment, a letter to myself laying out my plan. I figure if I tell enough people then I have to do it, if I don't then everyone will know.

As I am just 15 months away from turning 30 and I have been kind of freaking out. I have some complex with being young. So I have been thinking a lot about what I can do to keep myself as young as possible. Since I'm not going to doing anything irresponsible like quite my job and go travel Europe with my family for a year I have another plan: To be the fittest I have ever been in my life by the age of 30.

So I have set some goals that I think will help me get to that goal. In 2 months I am having my 29th birthday so I am going to ride a 29 mile mountain bike trail called Wasatch Crest. Before my 30th Birthday I am going to run a marathon, and in addition to that I am going to run 30 miles (haven't decided if that's going to be part of my first marathon +4 miles or a separate run).

So I have a busy 15 months ahead of me but I am excited about it. If anyone wants to join in please let me know as I am game.


Unknown said...

Way to go John. The marathon is very impressive. I have been thinking about trying a half marathon someday (I am NOT a runner) so that would really be amazing. Maybe I will join you on the fitness quest and do one of my own, as soon as I have a husband again so I can actually exercise!

Grandma Alice said...

Very impressive John! I can hardly wait to see you in sept 2010! I should make some goals too....

BLAU said...

John I'm proud of you. Great goal. I am thinking of the challenge I want to do for myself. Get Court to run the marathon with you...I would do it too.